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UE4 Rapid Packer - Textures Toolset

Add Alpha to the Albedo

Add Alpha to the Albedo

Showcase Video of the features

Pack textures based on selection order

Pack textures based on selection order

Combine Normal map with extra textures

Combine Normal map with extra textures

Normal map generation

Normal map generation

Repack channels

Repack channels

UE4 Rapid Packer - Textures Toolset

My first released UE4 editor tool for fast and easy textures packing, repacking and generation. Works as an editor widget without need to drop anything to the scene.
Main focus was to create fast and easy, but at the same time useful toolset. So I eliminated the need to drag and drop or import textures manually. Just select source texture in the content browser and it is automatically added to the packer and selection order dictates into which channels selected textures will be imported.
On top of this, the output texture is exported into the first selected texture's folder, which saves time on changing the output path.
To make it easy to use, different options are available based on chosen mode, to eliminate having too many options on the screen, which would create extra confusion and increase time to think, which would mean slower work.
And finally Normal map generation could be done by combining 4 textures, not just one. That allows use of some textures for larger shapes and other textures for fine details.
Rapid Packer is now available on Epic Marketplace: